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Minggu, 31 Januari 2010


Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (Ancol Dreamland), 10 kilometers north of Merdeka Square, Jakarta, can be your next holiday trip with your family specially kids. The dreamland is present with its captivating beauty of Jakarta Bay and four other attraction, Sea world, Fantasy World (Dunia fantasy), Atlantis Water Adventure and Marina Beach.
Sea World is a thrilling experience with its inhabitants-Dolphins and an immense number of marine lives from all over the world. Dolphin show is a popular attraction of this particular section which gathers tourists from all over and it can be equated with any of the modernized and high-ticket sea world. Fantasy World (Dunia fantasy) makes the trip worth to children, keeps them amused and indefatigable entirely. The section, servers several joy rides like Halilintar, Bianglala (a ride of Ferris wheel), Kora-Kora (swing boat), Niagara, Balada Kera and more. This amusement section is sorted into few areas like American are, Asian Area, European Area and further. You will be thrilled with Istana Boneka which will take you for a round in the sea to feel the diverseness around. With the new addition like Power Surge, Perang Bintang and spinning cup, Fantasy World (Dunia fantasy) can claim itself as a complete entertainment package.
Both Adults and kids love to visit Atlantis Water Adventure as they can experience diving in pools, water rides and additional. The poolside restaurants with local dishes are another attractor of this water park and the price is affordable for tourists.
Marina Beach is basically seawall and plays a very important role as it’s an entrance between Jakarta to other Thousand Islands. Known for its captivating scenic beauty, Marina Beach is also popular adjoining of cafĂ©, dockyard and marine sports centre and will certainly offer you a complete refreshment and entertainment.
Overall costing of the complete visit is reasonable. But the trip will be incomplete without a cycle rickshaw ride which is only available in this place in Jakarta.


Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) merupakan suatu kawasan wisata budaya di Jakarta. Terletak pada koordinat 6°18′6.8″LS,106°53′47.2″BT,dana di tengah-tengah TMII terdapat sebuah u yang menggambarkan kepulauan Indonesia yang besar dalam bentuknya yang kecil.

Sejarah TMII

Gagasan pembangunan suatu miniatur yang memuat kelengkapan Indonesia dengan segala isinya ini dicetuskan oleh Ibu Negara, Siti Hartinah, yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Ibu Tien Soeharto. Gagasan ini tercetus pada suatu pertemuan di Jalan Cendana no. 8 Jakarta pada tanggal 13 Maret 1970. Melalui miniatur ini diharapkan dapat membangkitkan rasa bangga dan rasa cinta tanah air pada seluruh bangsa Indonesia. Maka dimulailah suatu proyek yang disebut Proyek Miniatur Indonesia "Indonesia Indah", yang dilaksanakan oleh Yayasan Harapan Kita.
TMII mulai dibangun tahun 1972 dan diresmikan pada tanggal 20 April 1975. Berbagai aspek kekayaan alam dan budaya Indonesia sampai pemanfaatan teknologi modern diperagakan di areal seluas 150 hektar.